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3219 MacArthur Road / Whitehall, Pa 18052
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Whitehall News
This meeting will be held in person only at Whitehall Township Public Meeting Room located at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052 starting at 7:00PM

To view the agenda click HERE

Zoning Hearing Board meeting will be held in person only in the Public Meeting Room at the Whitehall Township Municipal Building, 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052 starting at 7:00pm.

To view agenda click here
The meeting will be held in person only at Whitehall Townhip Public Meeting Room located at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052 starting at 7:30 pm.

To view the agenda click here

This meeting will be held in person only at the Whitehall Township Public Meeting Room located at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052 starting at 7:00PM

To view the Agenda click HERE

To view Summaries click HERE

To view the Support Documentation click HERE

This meeting will be held in person only at the Whitehall Township Public Meeting Room located at 3219 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, PA 18052 starting at 7:00PM.

To view the Agenda click HERE

To view Summaries click HERE

To view the Support Documentation click HERE

Working America, a community affiliate of the AFL-CIO, will be conducting a door-to-door organizing drive in Whitehall starting on the 23rd of April 2024, and continuing until at least July 2024. For more info click HERE

Positions available on Planning Commission Alternates,Zoning Hearing Board-Alternate, Plumbers Examination Board, Traffic Impact Committee, Whitehall Township Industrial Commercial Development Authority, Environmental Advisory Committee, Park & Recreation Board-Allencrest Rep, Tax Appeals Board-Alternates, and Building Code Board of Appeals-Alternate. Fill out and return application. For application click HERE

To view the flyer for June 29th Click HERE

" Click here for the more information HERE

Firework Ordinance Click for more Information HERE

For Rules and Regulations and Hours of Operation Click HERE

Contact the Township Hotline at 610-437-5524 ext. 1139

Click here for the inaugural issue of the Pennsylvania One Call System's Quarterly Newsletter HERE

If you live near a quarry, mine or construction site and have concerns about blasting, please review the guide attached. For more info click HERE

Click here for the more information HERE

Click here for the more information HERE

Click here for the proper procedures for draining your swimming pool HERE

Check out our upcoming Recreation Events HERE

Burning of leaves and yard waste is not permitted at any time as per Whitehall Township. Persons found guilty of burning may face fines per each offense.

Contact a Local Beekeeper - Tom Lindeman at 610-349-9597 Click for more Information HERE

The Spotted Lanternfly, an invasive insect, arrived in the Lehigh Valley area in 2016. Whitehall Township has been included in the quarantine area. More information on the Spotted Lanternfly can be found at:




Click for more Information HERE

On Thursday (6/20) & Friday (6/21) the Hokey Pool will be offering the following:

Thursday Pool Hours - 11am to 7pm / Open at 11am for Passholders/Seniors - 12pm starts FREE swim for RESIDENTS - 3:00pm starts $10 admission for Non-Residents

Friday Pool Hours - 11am to 5pm / 6:00pm to 8:00pm Friday Night Pool Community Event with FREE admission for Residents and only $3 for Non-Residents!

Please place your toters at the curb the night before your pick up.

This Bill will have a Second Hearing at the Board of Commissioner's October 11, 2021 Meeting. To view full text click HERE

The meeting can be attended online via Webex at 7:30 pm.
To join virtually - when it is time to join click the link below You will then be asked to enter your name and email address - click join. Use the audio conference information below, but use Attendee ID you are given when entering the event.

To join by audio conference - dial 1-408-418-9388 United States Toll - enter event number 2331 032 7249 # and when asked for an attendee ID, press #.

To view agenda click here

Welcome To Whitehall Township

Whitehall Township is located in the center of the Lehigh Valley. The Township is one hour north of Philadelphia and an hour and half from New York City. Settled in the early 1700's by Pennsylvania Germans "Dutch", it was founded and named by the British in 1752, incorporated in 1867, named a First Class Township in 1902 and a Home Rule Community in 1976. Today, Whitehall is home to 27,500 residents who reside in eight village neighborhoods who value our quality of life, municipal services, trail networks, parks, pools, events and outdoor recreational opportunities. The community is home to 22 houses of worship.

Whitehall's MacArthur Road is known as the main shopping district in the Lehigh Valley. MacArthur Road will celebrated its 75th Anniversary of being named in honor of General Douglas MacArthur, a World War II hero in 2017. Whitehall is home to the largest indoor shopping center and Lifestyle Center at the Lehigh Valley Mall and four major shopping centers located along the "Golden Strip" (MacArthur Road).

The Whitehall-Coplay School District is located on one central campus, with one high school, one middle school, one intermediate school, two elementary schools, two stadiums and our Community Library. The School District is known for its support of academics, the arts and athletics.

We invite you to visit Whitehall and see why so many call this place home.

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