Whitehall Township

Fire Department

Whitehall Township has a combnation Fire Department Staffed by 60 volunteers Firefighters, Divers, Fire Police with a career Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Marshall

There are four station locations to serve our residents:
Fullerton Station #36
West Catasauqua Station #37
Hokendauqua Station #38
Egypt Station #39

Whitehall Township Fire Department
Pennsylvania Fireworks Law

The Whitehall Township Fire Department proudly protects the citizens or Whitehall and assists in the surrounding areas. Services that the Fire Department perform include firefighting, hazmat, search and rescue and extrication.

Open burning in Whitehall is prohibited. The Bureau of Fire requires permits for blasting, welding, fireworks, tents and tanks installation and removal.

Our Fire Department always needs volunteers! If you are interested in serving you community, call the Fire Chief for an application. The Fire department provides fire prevention programs in the schools and day care centers in Whitehall.

Sessions on home fire safety are available for groups and organizations. A tour of any fire station can also be arranged by calling the Fire Chief's office at 610-437-5524, ext. 1129.

Our Fire Department Vehicle Fleet By Station

Fullerton Station #36
South Station Engine #3611 2007 Spartan on a Central State Body1250 gpm.
Engine #3612 1990 Mack 1250gpm.
Aerial #3631 1994 Spartan Baker 95 ft. Aerialscope.
Rescue #3641 Spartan Baker Central States Rescue.
Water Rescue #3692 Ford Water Rescue.

West Catasauqua Station #37
Central West Station
New Engine #3711 2017 Pierce Fire Engine.
Engine #3712 1997 Spartan/Marion 1250gpm.
Pickup #3791 Pickup for support trailer
Trailer #3793 Haz mat support

Hokendauqua Station #38
Cenrtal East Station Engine
#3831 2009 Spartan/KME 55' Squirt 1500gpm
Engine #3811 1990 Spartan/KME 1990 1250gpm

Egypt Station #39
North West Station
Engine #3911 1999 Spartan /KME 1500gpm.
#3961 1973 unit

©  Whitehall Township