The Zoning Division of the Bureau of Planning, Zoning and Development deals with all things "Zoning" in the Township. Contrary to popular perception, Zoning does NOT regulate the height of weeds, the parking of cars, animals, litter and debris or property maintenance. For information pertaining to these issues, please see 'Codes'.
Zoning is the regulation of all land use activities in the Township, including new construction as well as alteration or addition of existing uses, including commercial as well as residential, and developed or undeveloped property. All zoning is guided by the Whitehall Township Zoning Ordinance, (Chapter 27 of the Whitehall Township Codified Ordinances).
The regulations are enforced by the Zoning Officer, who does not have the ability to waive any of the regulations contained therein. The Zoning ordinance determines what you can build on your property, how much of your property can be covered by buildings and structures, and where you can place the structures on your lot; and what activities you can use your property for.
For this reason the Zoning Officer is charged with reviewing all building and occupancy permits, as well as the zoning certification forms for business licenses. Therefore it is important to contact the Zoning Officer very early on with any proposed construction or use you are planning on your property to make certain you can comply with the Township ordinances.
Zoning Certification Form
Required to be submitted when applying for a Business License from the Treasurer's Office.
View our Zoning Map
The Whitehall Township Zoning Hearing Board is created to hear appeals for relief from the requirements of the Whitehall Township Zoning Ordinance.
Examples of the types of issues that come before the Zoning Hearing Board would include setback variances, sign variances, an interpretation of the type of business that would be allowed to be conducted on a premise, etc.
Each member of the board serves a five year term. Meetings are held the third Tuesday of every month at the Whitehall Township Municipal Building, 3219 MacArthur Road.
For meeting schedule please view our calendar.
Zoning Hearing Board Members:
Stephen Burda, Chair
Lee Christman, Vice Chair
Louis Jany
Dean Wotring
Roger Reichard
Pedro Jose - Alternate
Vacant - Alternate