The Whitehall Township Police Criminal Investigations Division operates under the supervision of a Lieutenant and is the principal investigative unit of the Police Department.
The Criminal Investigative Division is responsible for investigating major offenses which usually require a high degree of specialization or use of a dedicated investigative approach. The detectives that are assigned to this division are highly trained and experienced professionals that are assigned from within the police department.
The ability to solve cases relies heavily on the investigators knowledge, skills, and abilities that involve a broad spectrum of criminal activities that occur within Whitehall Township and Lehigh County.
Each individual investigator’s expertise varies in the many different disciplines of police science and investigations. These differing skills enable the investigators to work as a team and skillfully investigate crimes in order to apprehend the offenders.
One of the most important skills that an investigator needs to have is the ability to communicate with many different people on a daily basis. The Criminal Investigations Division also will provide support to many other law enforcement agencies on the local, state and national stages.
Within the Criminal Investigations Division, the Investigators can be assigned to specialized areas such as the Lehigh County Drug Task Force or the Lehigh County Auto Theft Task Force.