Environmental Advisory Council
The eleven-member Environmental Advisory Council is part of a large network of councils that exist in many municipalities throughout Pennsylvania.
EAC members are appointed arms of municipal government that serve as advisors having environmental conservation and improvement as their exclusive focus.
They each serve a three year term. Appointment to the EAC by the Board of Commissioners asks volunteers to make the commitment to attend monthly meetings, provide input and participate in EAC activities, which include, but are not limited to:
- Annual Electronic Recycling and Document Shredding Event coordination and implementation.
- Whitehall Parkway and Jordan Parkway Stewardship.
- Shade Tree Committee reviews shade tree removal permits as well as landscaping plans for new development and advocates for the use of native plants.
- Open Space and Recreation Plan input.
- Any environmental concerns and/or challenges affecting Whitehall Township.
- Adopt a Highway Clean-ups and other organized community litter clean-ups.
- Educating the Township about environmental impacting issues through newsletter articles, social media and community outreach including programs for Camp Whitehall.
- Collaboration with the Whitehall-Coplay School District and the Whitehall Library to bring education and environmental programs to our community.
- Sponsoring the application of State and Federal grants which help to fund environmental improvements.
- Managing the Bird Town PA program for the Township which includes the supporting advocacy and education for birds and the restoration of habitats.
- Oversite and approval of Eagle Scout projects that are done to improve Open Space areas.
You do not need to be a member of the EAC to participate. They are always looking for extra hands.
Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 6:30PM at the Whitehall Township Public Meeting Room.
Clean-ups and other information are posted to the Whitehall, PA Neighborhood Facebook, Next Door and Whitehall Township Environmental Advisory Council Facebook.
For meeting schedule please view our calendar.
To view the Annual Report click HERE