Whitehall Township Authority
This Authority's board is charged with the following duties and responsibilities:
- Manage the properties and business of the Authority.
- Prescribe, amend and repeal by-laws, resolutions and rules and regulations.
- Sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, complain and defend in all courts of jurisdiction.
- Acquire, purchase, hold, lease any property real or mixed, tangible or intangible, for carrying the purpose of the Authority.
- Fix and determine the number of officers, agents, consultants and employees of the Authority and their powers, duties and compensation.
- Enter into contracts and/or agreements.
- Consider, review and adopt an annual operating budget, including a capital improvements budget.
- Fix, alter, charge and/or establish rates in areas served by its facilities at reasonable and uniform rates.
- Have the power of eminent domain.
- Make investments and/or enter into debt obligations on behalf of the Authority.
- Pledge, hypothecate, or otherwise encumber, all or any of the revenues of the Authority as security for all or any of its obligations.
- Do each and everything necessary to ensure the delivery of a safe and reliable supply of water for domestic and fire needs of our residents.
- Attend and participate in regular meetings of the Authority.
- Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at the Whitehall Township Authority, 1901 Schadt Avenue. Members serve a term of five years.
For more information please visit www.whitehalltownshipauthority.org
For meeting schedule please view our calendar.
Members include:
Henry Weber
Gary Schlaffer
Stanley Wimmer
Jason P. Szewczak
Douglas Sammak