Whitehall Township

Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority

The Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority operates the sewage service to the entire areas of Coplay and Whitehall , as mandated by the Commissioners and Councils of both municipalities. Essentially, this requires an effort and responsibility similar to the management of a private business with annual costs in the $2,500,000 range.

The CWSA was created in 1963 and services more than 13,000 customers. Within the next few years a major construction project will commence to upgrade in the Coplay Creek Interceptor from the Eberhardt Road Pumping Station to the Bridge Street in the village of Egypt.

Each member of the Authority's board serves a five-year term and is asked to commit to a minimum of monthly attendance at regularly scheduled public meetings, plus additional periodic meetings with local governing bodies and PMAA representatives at regional and state levels at various times of the year.

Regular meetings analyze exceptions to normal requests for service, costs, etc., outside the general control of the Authority manager. They also provide oversight of all routine management efforts and performance. Any routine system repairs, improvements, etc., are resolved at these meetings. Additional periodic responsibilities include contract negotiations, management staff appraisals, etc.

Regular meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Public Meeting Room of the Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority, 3213 MacArthur Road.

For further information regarding meetings, please contact the Coplay-Whitehall Sewer Authority at 610-437-4461 or visit the website at www.cwsauthority.org

For meeting schedule please view our calendar.

Members include:
James Hahn - Chairman (Coplay)
Paul Boyle - Vice Chairman (Coplay)
Paul Geissinger - Secretary (Whitehall)
Joseph Bonshak - Treasurer(Whitehall)
Joseph Marx Jr - Community Affairs Officer (Whitehall)
James Roth - Asst. Secretary (Whitehall)
Dennis Wehr - Asst. Treasurer (Coplay)

©  Whitehall Township