Whitehall Township

Parks & Playgrounds

If Interested in Coaching/Volunteering at one of our Playgrounds,
Please Contact the Rrecreation Office at:
610-437-5524, EXT. 1135

02/05, 04/02, 06/04, 08/06, 10/01, 12/03

Click Here for Contact Information

1020 Livingston Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

Allencrest playground consists of a 1.25 acre in the south west zone of the Township Recreation System. The park has a playlot designed for tots and children up to 12 years. It is a small, passive sitting park.

At Allentown city limits on Sumner Avenue, at the Lighting Fixture and Supply business, turn onto N. Eleventh St. Go one block to Livingston Street. Playlot is next to the private Allencrest Swimming Pool Club.

Cementon (Victor C. Talotta) Park
5185 Dewey Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

The Cementon (Victor C. Talotta) Park boasts 18.0 acres in the Northeast zone of the Township Recreation System. "Cementon Park" has three Baseball Fields, two Lighted Basketball Courts, two Lighted Tennis/Volleyball Courts and an enclosed air condtioned building available for rental. The Cementon Athletic Playground Association offers Sports Programs including Spring T-Ball, Baseball/Softball. The Cementon Park and Laurel Fire Company host the annual Cement Belt Fair the last week of June.

Indoor Building Capacity - 250 year round
Rentals: 610-653-7262 or cementonparkprez@yahoo.com

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145, turn northeast onto Fornaciari Drive, continue on Fornaciari Drive until you see the Victor C. Talotta Park sign on your right. Turn right onto Dewey Ave.; parking lot is on the left.

Egypt Memorial Park
4540 Hillcrest Lane and Bank Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

Egypt Memorial Park is approximately 17.36 acres in the northwest zone of the Township Recreation System. The Egypt Memorial Park is not owned by Whitehall Township. This park consists of four Baseball Fields, two Lighted Basketball Courts, a Play Lot, a pavilion and an enclosed building which are both available for rent. Indoor ADA restrooms. Indoor pavilion now heated for year round rentals. Please see rental information at the bottom of this page. Youth Activities include Spring T-Ball, Spring & Fall Baseball and Softball and Field Hockey.

Outdoor Pavilion Capacity - 400
Indoor Pavilion Capacity - 200 year round
Rentals: 610-262-9841 or egyptmemorialpark@gmail.com

Take MacArthur Road (Rt. 145) to Rt. 329 (Main Street). Turn west and continue through the traffic light to Banks Street. Turn left at the brown recreation sign into the parking area.

Hokendauqua Park & Playground
3417 Lehigh Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

Hokendauqua Park offers 10 acres in the central east zone of the Township Recreation System. The Hokendauqua Park Area to immediate north of Lehigh Street is not owned by Whitehall Township the total park has three Baseball Fields, three Lighted Basketball Courts and a Play Lot. There is a pavilion available for rentals (please see bottom of page). Youth Activities include Spring T-Ball, Spring Baseball, Softball, Winter Basketball.

Indoor Pavilion (playground) Capacity - 50
Rentals: president@hokeypark.com
Parkview (Hokey) Pool Outdoor Pavilion
Rentals: 610-437-5524 ext. 1135 or bhibbler@whitehalltownship.com

The competitive length Parkview Pool shares a 13 acre parcel of land adjacent to the park with a police agility training course and pavilion (available for rental - see below).

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), head north past U-Haul (or south using jug handle after Municipal Drive) to Lehigh Street. Head east to new IRT bridge, immediately after make left turn into park.

Hokendauqua Athletic Association
(Bob Warke Field)

2nd & Lehigh Street
Whitehall,PA 18052

Hokendauqua Athletic Association offers 6 acres at the site of the former Whitehall High School Athletic Fields. The Park contains one Football Field. The Hokendauqua Athletic Association offers a Fall Football Program and Football Cheerleading Program. Football is divided by weight classes.

Jefferson Street (Fullerton) Memorial Playground
901 Jefferson Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

Fullerton Memorial Playground, also known as Jefferson Street Playground consists of 14 acres in the south zone of the Township Recreation System.The park features four Baseball Fields, one Football Field, two Lighted Basketball Courts, and Play Lot. There is a Community Center building available for rentals (please see bottom of page). Youth Activities include Baseball, T-Ball, Baseball and Softball.

Indoor Building Capacity - 200
Outdoor Pavilion Capacity - 30 year round
Rentals: 610-704-0311 or rentals@fullertonremblers.org

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), head east on Grape Street to Jordan Blvd. (next to Toys R Us), turn left and go one block to Jefferson St. Park on your left.

Schadt Avenue
Zephyr Park

1975 Schadt Avenue
Whitehall, PA 18052

Schadt Avenue Playground (also known as Zephyr Park) consists of 17.0 acres located in the central west zone of the Township Recreation System. The park contains four Baseball Fields, four Soccer Fields, two Basketball Courts and a Play Lot. The Schadt Avenue Park, Playground, Athletic and Recreation Association offers Spring T-ball, Baseball, Softball and Field Hockey for the youth in the area.

Outdoor Pavilion Capacity - 25
Indoor Building Capacity - 140 year round
Rentals: 610-554-3931 or rentals@schadtave.org

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), head west onto Schadt Avenue, continue one mile to park sign at Campus Drive, turn right into parking lot.

Stiles Playground
3017 S. Fourth Avenue
Whitehall, PA 18052

The Stiles Playground consists of five acres in the central zone of the Township Recreation system. The park features a Ball Field, Basketball Court, Tennis Court, Play Lot and pavilion.

Outdoor Pavilion Capacity - 40
Rentals: 610-437-5524, ext. 1135 or bhibbler@whitehalltownship.com

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145) North, turn left onto Center Street. From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145) South, turn right onto Center Street. Continue two blocks to 4th Avenue, turn left, head up hill to playground on right.

West Catasauqua Playground
(Whitehall Lifestyle Center)

2301 Pine Street
Whitehall, PA 18052

West Catasauqua Playground consists of 18 acresin the south central zone of the Township Recreation System. The park features two Baseball Fields, one Soccer Field, two Lighted Basketball Courts, two Lighted Tennis Courts, two Lighted Volleyball Courts, a pavilion and a community center building (both available for rent - see below).

Indoor Building Capacity - 100 year round
Outdoor Pavilion Capacity - 50
Rentals: 610-443-0675 or bearshu22@gmail.com

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), head east on Schadt Avenue. Continue on Schadt Avenue to Mickley Road, turn left, proceed for one block to "y" in the road, bear left at fork onto Pine Street. Park is on the left.

Other Area Parks and Playgrounds

Whitehall Township has many other smaller, neighborhood parks and recreational areas

Central Park
Undeveloped recreation area at Columbia and S. Church Streets.

Ebwater Baseball/Softball Field Hokendauqua Park and Playground
Use 0.7 acre baseball/soccer field.

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), turn onto Eberhardt Road, continue ½ mile to field on right.

Village Green Elmhurst Drive
0.3 acre tot lot with play structures. Front Street St. Elizabeth Athletic Association use- baseball fields at Wood St. playground in Fullerton.

Take Fullerton Ave. exit from Rt. 22, turn left. Go two blocks to Chestnut Street, right to Front Street. Ballfield is on right.

Jordan Greenway
Trails and walkways for ¾ to 3 miles along Jordan Creek

From RT 145 and MacArthur Road into the Lehigh County Park.

Peachtree Playground
2.4 acre play lot and grassy area.

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), turn north onto Mickley Road, turn right onto Presidential Drive, then right onto Andrew Drive, then immediate left onto Robert Street, continue to park on left.

Pershing Park Township
1.5 acres next to bird sanctuary.

Presidential Ball Field
2.1 acre parcel for baseball/softball/soccer.

Presidential Tot Lot
.5 acre play area off Presidential Drive.

From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), turn north onto Mickley Road, turn right onto Presidential Drive, continue up hill to playlot on right and baseball/soccer field further up on the left.

Riverwalk Park Cementon
6 acres on Front Street in Cementon, next to the D & L Heritage Trail.

Warke Field Hokendauqua Athletic Association
Football/baseball field located in Hokendauqua.

MacArthur Road (Rt. 145 to Lehigh Street east to stop light. Field is on the left.

Rules & Regulations

Each person, firm or corporation using the public parks and grounds within Whitehall Township must remove moall debris, extinguish all fires (when such fires are permitted) and leave the premises and facilities in good order and in a neat and sanitary condition.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation using such parks to either perform or permit to be performed any of the following acts:

  1. Willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, displace or remove any building, bridges, tables, benches, fireplaces, railings, paving or paving material, waterlines or other public utilities or parts of appurtenances thereof, signs, notices or placards, whether temporary or permanent, monuments, stakes, posts or other boundary markers or other structures or equipment, facilities or park property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal.
  2. Throw, discharge or otherwise place or cause to be placed in the waters of any fountain, pond, lake, stream or other body of water in or adjacent to any park or any tributary, stream, storm sewer or drain flowing into such waters, any substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution of said waters.
  3. Dump, deposit, or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or other refuse. No such refuse or trash shall be placed in any body of water in or contiguous to any park or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided. Where receptacles are not provided, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away from the park by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed of elsewhere.
  4. Disturb the peace or use any profane, obscene or blasphemous language.
  5. Endanger the safety of any person by any conduct or act.
  6. Commit any assault, battery or engage in fighting.
  7. Violate any rule adopted by the Board of Commissioners regulating the use of the park.
  8. Prevent any person from using any park or any of its facilities or interfere with such use in compliance with these rules and regulations.
  9. Swim, bathe, or wade in any waters or waterways in or adjacent to any park, except in such waters and at such places as provided and in compliance with regulations set forth.

  • It shall be unlawful to engage in special activities, including flying model airplanes, golf practice and ice skating, except at locations specifically designated for such activities.
  • It shall be unlawful to drive or park any automobile except on a street, driveway or parking lot in any park or to park or leave any such vehicle in any place other than one established for public parking.
  • It shall be unlawful for any person other than employees and officials of this park district acting on behalf of that district to vend, sell, peddle or offer for sale any commodity or article within any park.
  • It shall be unlawful for anyone to paste, glue, tack or otherwise post any sign, placard, advertisement or inscription whatever, nor shall any person erect or cause to be erected by sign whatever on any public lands or highways or roads adjacent to a park. These provisions shall not apply to any properly authorized government official in pursuit of any official duty.
  • It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal, or any person having possession or custody of any animal, to cause, suffer or permit an animal to be present upon public or privately owned parks and playgrounds open to the public.
  • It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal, or any person having possession or custody of any animal, to permit the same to discharge or deposit any fecal matter on public or privately-owned parks and playground areas open to the public. The owner or any person having possession or custody of any animal shall be required to immediately remove any fecal matter deposited on public or privately owned parks and playgrounds open to the public and dispose of the matter in a sanitary manner.

Hours of Operation
All public parks are open daily to the public during daylight hours. Individuals participating in activities specially lighted for evening activity shall be permitted to remain in the parks until 10 p.m., providing they are active participants and providing they remain in the lighted areas.

It shall be unlawful for any person or persons (other than township personnel conducting township business or during a township-sponsored event) to occupy or to be present in any park in any area during any hours in which the park is not open to the public, without the proper permission of Whitehall Township.

©  Whitehall Township