Whitehall Township

Swimming Pools

Whitehall Township has a Municipal Swimming Pool, located in the center of the Township in order to serve all Residents.

Parkview (Hokey) Pool
3051 S. Fifth Street, Hokendauqua

Directions to Parkview Pool
From MacArthur Road (Rt. 145), head north past U-Haul (or south using jug handle after Municipal Drive) to Lehigh Street. Head east past new IRT bridge, and continue to brown Whitehall Recreation sign at Third St. Turn left onto Third Street and continue two stops signs to School Street. Turn left, continue through one stop sign and around bend to Parkview Drive. Park sign is on your left - continue into parking lot.

2025 Pool Pass Pricing to be Announced Soon

Family: $155.00 (2 Adults, 2 Children)
Additional Child: $25.00
Adult: $65.00
Student: $55.00
*Up to and including 2024 High School Graduate

Daily Admission
$10.00 per Person/Resident. w/Photo ID. from 6 to 61 years old.
Children under 6 yrs. old and persons 62 and over - Free of Charge.
$3.00 Discount for Veterans, Military Person w/Proper ID
$3.00 Special Events

Non-Residents will be admitted daily as follows
$10.00 per Non-Resident - Monday-Friday - 3:00pm to 7:00pm ONLY

Daily Hours of Pool Operations are: 11 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
11 a.m. to 12 p.m. - (POOL PASS HOLDERS ONLY)
At any time, the Pools are subject to Close due to Inclement Weather.


The Recreation Department also Utilizes the Whitehall High School Natatorium from Fall through Spring for Aquatic Activities. WHEN STAFFING PERMITS, there is a Free Indoor Public Swim for Whitehall-Coplay Residents on Wednesdays Evenings. This Free Swim is reserved for families from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. There is also an Aqua Aerobics program offered from fall through spring.

Whitehall Township Recreation Bureau Pool Rules

  1. The Pool will not be utilized unless there are (4) Qualified, Approved Lifeguards on Duty and in Position.
  2. All Patrons Must Pay or give Season Pass Prior to entering the Pool.
  4. NO SMOKING within the Fenced Pool area or the Pool Buildings.
  5. No Child under the Age of (12) will be Allowed in the Pool Area during open swim periods unless accompanied by a Parent or Guardian.
  6. Parents are responsible for the direct supervision of pre-school children under their care at all times. Children are not allowed to wear diapers while in the pool.
  7. Loitering or horseplay of any type will not be permitted in the pool area, lobby, or changing rooms. This includes running, pushing, ball playing, profane language, disrobing, unsanitary action, property damage, towel snapping, or any behavior causing annoyance.
  8. No person with a fever, cold, cough, inflamed eyes, skin diseases, mouth, nose, or ear discharges, or wearing a bandage (or Band-Aid) is allowed to use the pool.
  9. Personal phone calls for patrons or paging of patrons will be granted only in case of emergency. Persons caught abusing this service will receive an automatic suspension of pool privileges.
  10. Whitehall Staff will not be responsible for lost items. Persons bringing valuables do so at their own risk.
  11. No items may be hung on any pool fixture unless placed there by pool personnel.
  12. No barrettes, hair clips, or pins of any kind are permitted in the pool.
  13. No glass, food, or beverages are permitted in the pool and changing areas.
  14. No tubes, face masks, snorkels, swimming aides, balls, Frisbees, or are allowed in the pool or pool area. Items brought into the pool may only be used at the manager's discretion. No floatation devices of any kind are allowed in the diving well.
  15. No games of any kind are permitted in the diving area.
  16. Only one (1) person is allowed on each diving board at a time. Diving is permitted from the front end of the board only. Diving off the wall is not permitted in the shallow areas as indicated by the red border on the pool deck.
  17. Prior to diving, insure that the diving area is clear of swimmers. After diving, swim to the closest side of the pool.
  18. No pets allowed within the pool area.
  19. DO NOT TALK TO LIFEGUARDS, EXCEPT IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Do not climb on lifeguard chair. Do not splash lifeguards.
  20. In case of emergency, accident, or injury, notify the nearest lifeguard and follow his/her instructions.
  21. Consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on pool property is subject to permanent expulsion from all Recreation functions.
  22. Any other rules necessary for safety or control at the pool may be made by the lifeguards with the consent of the Aquatics Director and Bureau Chief of Recreation.
  23. Random pool drills will occur. Your assistance is expected. Please obey directions from the staff.
  24. In the event a person refused to follow instructions of a guard or Recreation employees regarding disciplinary matter, said person will be subject to suspension of their Recreation privileges.
  25. Bicycles, skateboards, and in-line skates are not permitted inside the fence. Bicycles must be placed in bike racks and remain there.

Please note:
The Pool Facility is for your Pleasure. Any Violation of Whitehall Township's Pool Rules is subject to Recall of Pool Privileges at the Recreation Staff discretion or Criminal Prosecution.

©  Whitehall Township