Whitehall Township

Freon Stickers and White Goods

The request for Freon sticker form is available in the forms and documents section.

The form must be completed and brought to the tax office for payment for freon only.
There is no charge for white goods however the form must be completed.

Freon Appliances

Items such as refrigerators, freezers, dehumidifiers, air conditions, etc., containing CFC’s (Freon) require special handling. State regulations mandate the Freon to be removed upon disposal.

Therefore, before you dispose of any Freon-containing item, you must purchase a sticker for $25.00 from the Treasurers Office at the Township Municipal Building to cover the cost of the Freon removal of each item.

You will be placed for pick up schedule for these items. For safety reasons please be sure to remove all doors from any appliance that could cause entrapment.

©  Whitehall Township