Whitehall Township

Tax Office / Treasurer - About

Tina J. Koren
Treasurer/Tax Collector
610-437-5524 x1143

Cheryl Pantoni
Deputy Treasurer
610-437-5524 x1146

Andrea Judge
Tax Clerk
610-437-5524 x1144

Tom Salim
Tax Clerk
610-437-5524 x1152

Lora Edwards
Tax Clerk
610-437-5524 x1167

Office Hours/Payments
Monday through Friday 8:00 am until 3:55 pm

All payments can be made at the Treasurer’s office or year round through our secured lockbox in front of the building or by mail. If a receipt is required, please include an email address OR self-addressed stamped envelope with payment along with both copies of the bill. We encourage you to include a contact phone number.

©  Whitehall Township