Whitehall Township

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay my taxes online?
Garbage and Township Real Estate Taxes are payable on our Online Payments section.

What methods of payments are accepted?
Cash, Check, Money Order and credit cards online.
Credit cards for payments at the tax office are coming in 2025.

Who do I pay my earned income and local services tax?
EIT and LST are paid through Berkheimer Tax Administrator
609 Hamilton Street #101, Allentown, Pa 18101
(610) 588-0965

Is it necessary to file a moving permit?
Yes. Moving permits allow us to maintain our per capita database. If you are moving out, in or within you must submit a moving permit to the Treasurer’s office. Not complying with this ordinance will result in your bill being sent for delinquency.

When is the tax office open?
Monday through Friday 8 a.m. until 3:55 p.m. Outside this time period you may put your payments (no cash) in the tax office lockbox outside the township building.

What is the Per Capita Bill?
A small fee paid by all township residents (owner or renter). The fee is distributed to the school district and township.

What if I have a complaint?
Please email the treasurer/tax collector at whitehalltownshiptaxoffice@whitehalltownship.com

©  Whitehall Township