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3219 MacArthur Road / Whitehall, Pa 18052

Civil Service Commission

Whitehall Township The Civil Service Commission has three basic responsibilities:

  • Initiate and monitor testing to maintain a pool of qualified applicants for entry level police department vacancies. Any applicant who feels they were wrongly disqualified may request a hearing before the commission.

  • Initiate and monitor testing for promotions within the police department. Hear appeals of any officer who feels they have been wrongly disqualified.

  • Any police officer who has been suspended, removed or reduced in rank, may appeal the decision by requesting a hearing before the commission.

Meetings are generally held the first Thursday of the month at 4:00 p.m. at the Whitehall Township Municipal Building, 3219 MacArthur Road. Meeting dates are subject to change.

Information on the Next Meeting:

The Whitehall Township Civil Service Commission will meet on Friday, September 27, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. In the Caucus Room. 3219 MacArthur Road Whitehall Pa, 18052.

To view our most recent agenda please (click here)

Our Members:
Richard Bentz, Chair
Bruce Miller, Vice Chair
John Kostic, Secretary


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